Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas in Texas

I’m a little behind on the blogging – December is a busy month! But Ryan is napping so I figured I would get as many posts written as possible. We just got home a few days ago from our Christmas vacation to Texas to see Josh’s family. It was so fun to have everyone in the same place for Christmas and to celebrate Ryan’s first Christmas. It was a BUSY week full of family time, shopping, and eating. I took a lot of pictures and they tell the story better than I can so here they are!

Christmas Eve Dinner

Christmas Eve Outfit

Christmas Eve Jammies

Hanging out with Daddy and Uncle David

Ryan and Grandma Tom

Getting Ready to open presents (not all of these gifts are for Ryan :))
Merry Christmas!!!

Opening presents
Ryan and Grandma Cheryl

Family Photo Op!
Ryan inspecting his new toys! He loves them!

Ryan with Nanny Heather and Ryan

Shopping with mommy, Grandma, Nanny Heather, Aunt Lauren and Aunt Olive

Still going strong after a long day of shopping!!
Group Date Night 
Girls day pedicures after a  long day of shopping

Girls Day!!

We so enjoyed our time in Texas with family and getting a chance to relax as a family!k

1 comment:

  1. I had such a great time With you all! I wish you lived closer so we could hang out more often. Love you all!!
