We finally welcomed our little one on Tuesday Dec. 3, one week later than expected. She was born at 9:28 am and weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 19 1/2 in. long.
We are so thankful for how the Lord worked through our experience and through the timing of her birth. As I mentioned in my last post we were looking at inducing on Wednesday, Dec. 4th because she was overdue. This was the absolute last thing I wanted. We had an appointment Monday morning, Dec. 3 and it did not look like my body was anywhere close to ready to have a baby, so we finalized plans for the induction and we were sent home. I was pretty disappointed at this point but the only thing I could do was give it to the Lord and wait. Josh and I decided to go on one last date so we could get our minds off all that had been going on. We had to stop at the grocery store on the way and I started to feel different but not really sure why. We then went to dinner where I realized I was having slight contractions - I timed them but they weren't regular at all, but I told Josh I was pretty sure we were going to be going to the hospital that night. Sure enough, at around 9:30 my contractions were fairly regular, around 7 min apart and started getting closer together. We drove to the hospital around 1 am and I was monitored for about 30 min. We ended up having to walk around for about an hour before we were finally admitted around 3:30. Kayla was then born at 9:28. In the week between my due date and her birthday I was trying to figure out what the Lord was doing with the timing and why was she late? It was ruining all our plans! Saturday night I finally realized that it really doesn't matter, our plans can change and the Lord sees the bigger picture that I am just now starting to see.
I can now look at all the ways He had a hand in Kayla's birth.
1. I had been praying during my whole pregnancy that I wouldn't have to be induced and that Kayla would come on her own, during this last week, knowing I was getting closer to being induced I began to think this wasn't going to happen, but he brought her into the world one day before we were scheduled to be induced.
2. The weather forecast for our area called for a pretty bad snow storm Tuesday night and Wednesday. We were supposed to go to the hospital - a 30 min drive - Tuesday night and again Wednesday for the induction. We were concerned about having to be out in such bad weather, but again she was born the morning before the storm hit so we didn't even have to worry about driving at all in the snow.
3. My sister came out here last week to see the baby and had to leave Monday morning so she missed everything, we were really disappointed about this, however, the Lord provided a plane ticket for $50 - in December, right before Christmas, for her to come back the day after Josh's paternity leave ends to see Kayla and help with Ryan, and then 5 days later Josh's Christmas leave begins, so I won't have to be by myself with the kiddos until after New Years! This is a huge praise since I'm beginning to see how difficult it might be.
I have definitely learned through this whole process that even though my plans might seem like the best scenario, the Lord sees the bigger picture and he has a greater plan for all of us that we might not be able to see.
Ok! So now for some pictures, this might make this post quite long, but I know the pictures are what everyone really wants to see!
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Ryan getting know his baby sister |
He loves holding her and giving her hugs and kisses |
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